Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Read Tracey's latest column @ Babes in Business.

I read an opinion column in a newspaper this week discussing wives versus mistresses, clearly the topic of the moment thanks to Tiger Woods and Jessie James.

While each and every sordid detail of these two gents' affairs was painstakingly dissected in excruciating detail, the journalist drew comparisons with us common folk and the differences between wives and mistresses.

I have an issue with what a wife and a mistress are individually supposed to represent. I am not speaking of the depths of emotional attachments and physical relations; I take issue with something far more superficial.

Accompanying this particular column was a cartoon representing the wife versus the mistress. The wife was portrayed by a rather dowdy looking Homy Ped style walking shoe while the mistress was a flaming pair of 15cm patent red stilettos. I'm sorry, but, what? Aside from the fact that I take issue with wives being portrayed as Homy Peds, why are stiletto donning women being demonized?


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