Thursday, July 29, 2010


Only in America.

How far will a gal go to fit into her favourite heels? The services at Beverly Hills Aesthetic Foot Surgery, California USA provides a clue.

According to The Wall Street Journal, there's the trademarked "Cinderella Procedure" — a preventive bunion correction that makes feet narrower. The clinic also offers the "Perfect 10! Aesthetic Toe Shortening" that invisibly trims toes that hang over the end of sandals or have to be crushed into tight shoes. There's also "Foot-Tuck Fat Pad Augmentation," in which fat from the patient's abdomen is injected into the balls of her feet to provide extra cushioning for long days on high heels.

Oh dear Lord. I'm sympathetic to any woman with gnarly feet, but please, even the most devout of shoe addicts can think of better ways to spend her hard earned cash.

"It's unrealistic to tell women not to wear high heels," said the clinic's founder, podiatrist Ali Sadrieh. "I came up with procedures that allow the women to function, pain-free, in the real world."

Fox goes on to report: Those are exactly kinds of cosmetic procedures that a big group of orthopedic foot surgeons blasted in a news release last month.

"Shortening a toe to get into a tight-fitting shoe should not be a standard of care in any physician's office," said Donald R. Bohay, an orthopedic surgeon in Grand Rapids, Mich., and co-chairman of public education for the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society.

Takes all kinds!

Read the full Wall Street Journal article on

(Image Credit: Reuters)

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