Thursday, December 09, 2010


Read Tracey's latest column @ Babes in Business.

I have a question. I realize it’s rhetorical but I feel the need to share my bewilderment.

Why do attractive, confident, intelligent and financially independent women end up in relationships with men that want to control them?

There is no doubt in my mind this is another of the world’s great mysteries. I certainly am not engaging in any kind of man-bashing or degradation of any female who wakes up one day and finds herself in this situation, I’ve done it myself. Twice!

At a recent fashion event of the ‘ladies who lunch’ variety I was engaged in a round table conversation with an assemblage of near strangers when the topic turned to shoes, as it so often does in my presence. After debriefing on the current clog trend the banter turned to sexy sandals and the all encompassing love affair those at the table had with them when one participant broadcast her husband didn’t ‘allow her to wear sexy sandals.’

I’m sorry, what? Did someone just slap me into the 50’s and pop me next to June Cleaver?

I have so many questions I’m not quite sure where to start. How does one identify a pair of sandals that are too sexy? Too much toe cleavage?

More >>

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