Friday, January 15, 2010


Nothing has sparked an International media frenzy quite like little Suri Cruise’s love of heels.

Dressing up in ‘mummy’s’ high heels & tottering around the house in shoes three or four sizes too big is almost a rite of passage for little girls, but donning a multitude of heels in various colours & styles is a little different. For a three year old that is.

Suri, daughter of Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes who will be four next April, has been spotted on numerous occasions with her mother wearing stack-heeled, T-bar shoes, with peep-toes.

Holmes has already responded to criticism from parenting groups, by telling Access Hollywood that the heels were not doing Suri any harm.

“They are actually ballroom dancing shoes for kids. I found them for her and she loves them,” she said.

A delicate subject, obviously, given the media meltdown both online & in print. My personal opinion, they grow up too quickly already, preserve their innocence & their feet while you can.


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