Thursday, February 18, 2010


The minute the Swiss figure skating pairs team appeared rinkside fashion police knew they’d found yet another culprit.

The fashion "Don’ts" just keep coming at Vancouver's Winter Olympic Games.

Not sure if Swiss duo Antoine Dorsaz & Anais Morandare (above & left) are devastated by how ridiculous they look on camera in their Heidi-Meets-Burberry costumes or their slip up performance on the ice, but wow, this is a shocker.

Three-time US national champion Johnny Weir (left) has shown us a string of poor taste that would be better suited to a Mardi-Gras float than the Winter Olympics. Weir caused quite the fracas before the Games with his pro fur stance. "You know, animals wear fur coats, so I don't see any reason why I can't," he said. "It's discrimination, I think."

Nine MSN reports that poor Johnny has since been taking some mandatory time out in the naughty corner at the athlete's village in Vancouver, with the skating star sighting "death threats" from animal rights activists — "crazy fur people," as he describes them — restricting him to the confines of communal living. As if that pink & black number shouldn’t have done that already.

Thank goodness they’re constrained to skates – I’d hate to see what they’d put on their feet if given the choice…

To watch the fashion horror on video @NineMSN, click here.

(Image Credits: NineMSN)

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